Penn Live Arts Blog / June 2024

2024 Summer Hiatus

Posted June 28, 2024

Our 23/24 season has come to a close. Thank you to our incredible artists, dedicated patrons and generous supporters. We are so grateful you joined us as we explored our world, both global and local, through the lens of music, dance and theatre. We put a spotlight on the rich culture of Ukraine and created experiences on stage and off in Toll the Bell, looking at the uniquely American tragedy of gun violence. The performing arts give us the rare opportunity to be local and global in the same moment. Through diverse artistry, innovative ideas and visionary perspectives, the arts continue to be a force for positive change, one audience at a time. Read more...

Looking Back at Toll the Bell

Posted June 20, 2024

Photo credit: Mark Garvin
On June 7, National Gun Violence Awareness Day, our season-long Toll the Bell project concluded with a sound installation at 44 sites across the city and beyond. A massive community collaboration, 66 partners came together to honor the victims of gun violence and raise awareness for those working to have a positive impact in our city. Toll the Bell was not a profile of tragedy, but a sonic device that disrupted the day-to-day and urged everyone to take action now. Read more...

The Kaplan-Perry Student Ticket Initiative

Posted June 6, 2024

It’s not every day that a college student can see Grammy®-winning artists perform up close, steps from their dorm room. At Penn Live Arts, we are thrilled to make this a reality by offering economically accessible tickets that bring our professional season artists within reach for Penn students.

This initiative wouldn't be possible without the generous support of our donor community. A special thanks goes to PLA Board Member Arthur Kaplan, C’67, and his husband Duane Perry, whose gift established the Kaplan-Perry Student Ticket Initiative. This program provides $3 tickets to Penn First Plus students, including those who are the first in their families to attend college as well as students with modest financial resources.

Read more about how we launched our partnership with Penn First Plus students in this Inspiring Impact article.

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