Our Venues

As the hub for the performing arts and events across campus, Penn Live Arts plays a vital role in fostering a dynamic ecosystem of creativity and culture. By supporting arts curriculum, student performing arts groups and departmental and guest events, our comprehensive venue infrastructure ensures that the performing arts thrive at Penn.

Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts

Home to the majority of Penn Live Arts performances as well as the Penn Theatre Arts Program, the Sachs Program for Arts Innovation and many student shows and guest events, the Annenberg Center boasts the Harold L. Zellerbach Theatre, the Harold Prince Theatre and the Bruce Montgomery Theatre. As the cornerstone project in a multi-phase renovation and expansion of the Annenberg Center, the Stuart Weitzman Theatre will be a distinctly visible, flexible performance space extending onto the Annenberg Center Outdoor Plaza.

Harold L. Zellerbach Theatre, interior. Photo credit: Mark Garvin.
Harold L. Zellerbach Theatre
Harold Prince Theatre, standard seating set-up, interior. Photo credit: Mark Garvin
Harold Prince Theatre
Bruce Montgomery Theatre, interior. Photo credit: Mark Garvin.
Bruce Montgomery Theatre
Design rendering of the new Stuart Weitzman Theatre and plaza entrance, exterior. Courtesy Steven Holl Architects.
Stuart Weitzman Theatre
Annenberg Plaza, exterior
Annenberg Center Outdoor Plaza
Student Performing Arts Center

Architectural rendering of the new Student Performing Arts Center on Hill Field, exterior. Courtesy Steven Holl Architects. Framing a vibrant gateway to Penn’s campus, the new Student Performing Arts Center will provide a nexus of flexible performance and rehearsal spaces and create an inviting hub for the student performing arts communities. Housing a proscenium theatre, a flexible studio theatre and five rehearsal studios, construction on the Student Performing Arts Center began in summer of 2024 with anticipated completion in 2026.

Iron Gate Theatre

Iron Gate Theatre, interior Named for its most prominent feature, ornamental iron gates at the entrance, the Iron Gate Theatre plays host to a great variety of student performances.

Partner Site: Philadelphia Episcopal Cathedral

Philadelphia Episcopal Cathedral, interior. Photo by B. Krist for Visit Philly. One of the city’s most beautiful spaces, the Philadelphia Episcopal Cathedral welcomes many of Penn Live Arts’ new and early music performances

Partner Site: St. Mary's Church

St. Mary's Church, interior. Gesualdo Six, 11/7/2024. Perfectly situated along Penn’s Locust Walk, St. Mary’s Church hosts intimate concerts by Penn Live Arts early music artists.