Penn Live Arts Blog

Looking Back at Toll the Bell

Posted June 20, 2024

Photo credit: Mark Garvin
On June 7, National Gun Violence Awareness Day, our season-long Toll the Bell project concluded with a sound installation at 44 sites across the city and beyond. A massive community collaboration, 66 partners came together to honor the victims of gun violence and raise awareness for those working to have a positive impact in our city. Toll the Bell was not a profile of tragedy, but a sonic device that disrupted the day-to-day and urged everyone to take action now.

“Toll the Bell was a moving example of the impact communities can have when they come together to push for change,” says Christopher Gruits, our Executive & Artistic Director. “Through sound, we called attention to one of the most pressing issues facing our city while collaborating with over 65 partners across our region to create a day of reflection that amplified the positive work being done in our community. We look forward to building upon this great momentum in the years to come, showcasing the power of the performing arts as a catalyst for positive change.”

Spreading the News

We are grateful to have received lots of coverage about Toll the Bell, helping us reach even more people with this critical message. Some highlights include:

» See all media coverage

Your Call to Action

Change starts with you. Each of us has a role to play in making a positive impact in our city. Visit our website to learn about anti-violence initiatives, get involved in supporting these organizations or get help. These resources offer valuable information, guidance and support for everyone looking to contribute to creating safer, more compassionate communities in Philadelphia.

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