Dig into Penn Museum At Home with the whole family
Our buildings might be empty right now but our University cultural partners join us in keeping the lights on virtually. This week we salute the
Penn Museum. While their entire website is a treasure trove of offerings for all visitors, here we focus on two family-friendly categories within the
Penn Museum At Home section.
At-Home Anthropology for Kids invites learners of all ages to create legendary creatures or Roman mosaics, design a personal museum or learn how to mummify fruits and vegetables. Each week the Museum adds new projects so children and their grown-ups can add some fun, new projects to their weekly mix. Older children and teenagers might want to check out the
Digital Daily Dig, a three-minute video posted on the Museum’s
Facebook page at 1 PM each weekday, with a substantial archive available on the Museum’s
website. Billed as “One artifact. Three minutes. Endless insights.” this quick and clever feature brings to life Etruscan sandals, Roman ketchup, Foo Lions and many other fascinating objects within the Museum’s collection.