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Penn Singers

Mamma Mia!

November 12 – 13, 2021
Harold Prince Theatre
Penn Student Shows

ABBA's hits tell the hilarious story of a young woman's search for her birth father. This sunny and funny tale unfolds on a Greek island paradise. On the eve of her wedding, a daughter's quest to discover the identity of her father brings three men from her mother's past back to the island they last visited 20 years ago. A mother. A daughter. Three possible dads. And a trip down the aisle you'll never forget!

Promo codes are available for PAC members and Singers alumni. If you are in one of these groups, you should have received an email communication with the applicable promo code but if you are unsure of the promo code, please email pennsingersbm@gmail.com. Additionally, Penn Singers is donating tickets for each show to the Community Ticketing Program, available for the FGLI community at Penn, as well as relevant community organizations. To secure tickets through the Community Ticketing Program, please reach out to platthouse@pobox.upenn.edu.

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